Smart Cities and Smart Communities are getting momentum, both in the national and international context, as shown by the large number of on-going activities on these specific topics. Many cities, also in Italy, have started programs aimed at achieving ambient sustainability, providing innovative services, involving citizens in the city governance, and promoting social inclusion. In few words, improving the quality of life.
The research activities carried out within the Smart Cities & Communities National Lab cover both methodological and technological issues. They mainly focus on the following application domains.
Lab. Director
Dept. of Engineering, University of Messina
Contrada di Dio 1, 98166 Messina, Italy
Phone: +39 348 6052885
Skype: apuliafito
The Smart Cities & Communities National Lab has a geographically-distributed organization, consisting of 25 Nodes located at different Italian Universities. Each Node is directed by a local Coordinator and includes faculty members and researchers. The complete list of active Nodes with their corresponding Coordinators is shown below.