ECSC24 in Italia a Torino - vince la Germania

La Germania è la vincitrice dell'edizione 2024 dell'European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC). Secondo posto per l’Italia, seguita dalla Polonia al terzo.


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Al via all’European Cybersecurity Challenge 2024 da domani a Torino

Si aprirà domani, martedì 8 ottobre e per la prima volta in Italia l’edizione 2024 dell’European Cybersecurity Challenge, il campionato europeo di cybersicurezza, che si terrà a Torino presso le Officine Grandi Riparazioni.


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Conferenza nazionale I-CITIES 2024 a Messina dal 18 al 20 settembre

10° Conferenza italiana sulle ICT per Smart Cities and Communities , si terrà dal 18 al 20 settembre 2024 presso l'Università di Messina.


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ITADATA 2024: al via la terza edizione della conferenza nazionale a Pisa presso l’Area CNR.

Evento annuale organizzato dal Laboratorio Nazionale Data Science del CINI, la terza edizione del 2024 si tiene in collaborazione con il CNR e l’Università di Pisa., dal 17 al 19 settembre 2024 presso l’Area della Ricerca del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.


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Presentati i 10 hacker etici che rappresenteranno l’Italia alla European Cybersecurity Challenge di Torino

l’Italia ha ufficialmente la sua nazionale di hacker etici, presentata a Lucca lo scorso venerdì.


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Nominati i nuovi Direttori dei Laboratori Nazionali CINI per il prossimo triennio

Il Consiglio Direttivo CINI, Consorzio costituito da 52 Università pubbliche con oltre 1.800 docenti e ricercatori in informatica e ingegneria informatica, ha nominato i nuovi Direttori di alcuni dei suoi Laboratori Nazionali, che affiancano aziende e istituzioni nell’innovazione tecnologica digitale in Italia.


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UNINFO Ente federato UNI per l’IT e le sue applicazioni e CINI firmano una convenzione quadriennale

UNINFO e CINI hanno firmato una convenzione quadriennale per promuovere la cultura della normazione tecnica e della standardizzazione nelle università italiane, facendo un significativo passo verso l'integrazione della ricerca accademica e della normazione tecnica nel settore delle tecnologie informatiche.


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CounteR – uno strumento innovativo per rilevare contenuti radicali online

Completato con successo il progetto treinnale CounteR, finanziato attraverso Horizon 2020 - il programma di ricerca e innovazione di punta dell'UE.


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Opportunità & Call

This Master of Science is a natural course of study for students with a bachelor in Computer Science but we welcome students from different areas of Science and Engineering. Background knowledge will be gauged through a test designed to evaluate whether you hold the minimal prerequisites deemed necessary to proficiently follow the track of choice. The main goal of the test is to give us the information we need to help shape your plan of study accordingly.

For more information you may visit our website

WHEN 19.07.2016 - 10:00 - 13:00
WHERE @DIBRIS Università degli Studi di Genova - Via Dodecaneso 35, 16146 Genova, Italy.
WHAT - meet faculty, research associates and tutors. visit our labs!

Technologies based on the intelligent use of data are leading to great changes in our everyday life. Data Science and Engineering refers to the know-how and competence required to effectively manage and analyse the massive amount of data available in a wide range of domains.

We offer a two-year Master of Science in Computer Science centered on this emerging field. The backbone of the program is constituted by three core units on advanced data management, machine learning, and high performance computing. Leveraging on the expertise of our faculty, the rest of the program is organised in four tracks, Business Intelligence, Health & Life Sciences, Pervasive Computing, and Visual Computing, each providing a solid grounding in data science and engineering as well as a firm grasp of the domain of interest. Study plans of more traditional flavor are also possible.
By blending standard classes with recitations and lab sessions our program ensures that each student masters the theoretical foundations and acquires hands-on experience in each subject. In most units credit is obtained by working on a final project. Additional credit is also gained through short-term internship in the industry or in a research lab. The master thesis is worth 25% of the total credit.

Business Intelligence. This track builds on first hand knowledge of business management and fundamentals of data warehousing, and focuses on data mining, graph analytics, information visualisation, and issues related to data protection and privacy.
Health & Life Sciences. Starting from core knowledge of signal and image processing, bioinformatics and computational biology, this track covers methods for biomedical image reconstruction, computational neuroengineering, well-being technologies and data protection and privacy.
Pervasive Computing. Security and ubiquitous computing set the scene for this track which deals with data semantics, large scale software engineering, graph analytics and data protection and privacy.
Visual Computing. This track lays the basics of signal & image processing and of computer graphics & augmented reality, and covers human computer interaction, computational vision, data visualisation, and computer games.

Senior expert in Data Science and Engineering. You will be at the forefront of the high-tech job market since all big companies are investing on data driven approaches for decision making and planning. The Business Intelligence area is highly regarded by consulting companies and large enterprises, while the Health and Life Sciences track is mainly oriented toward biomedical industry and research institutes. Both the Pervasive and the Visual Computing tracks are close to the interests of software companies. For all tracks a job in a start-up company or a career on your own are always in order.
Senior computer scientist. By personalizing your plan of study you can keep open all the highly qualified job options in software companies.
Further graduate studies. In all cases, you will be fully qualified to pursue your graduate studies toward a PhD in Computer Science.

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Horizon 2020

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Il CINI partecipa come rappresentante esperto nel Comitato Italiano del Programma di Horizon 2020, per l’Information and Communication Technologies



Links Istituzionali

“Programma il futuro”: il pensiero computazionale a scuola

Grazie alla collaborazione tra MIUR e CINI prende l'avvio "Programma il futuro". Lezioni e materiali on line sul sito La “buona scuola” muove i primi passi a partire dal coding.

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