A networking event in Florence, Italy on 9th and 10th October 2014 to promote European ICT


Big success with Big Data. È il titolo di un recente studio condotto da Accenture su 4.300


A lungo si è parlato dell'importanza dei dati, ora nasce l'esigenza di saperne fare buon uso. Il


BigDat 2015 is a research training event for graduates and postgraduates in the first steps of


The strategic report includes ERCIM vision of Big Data Analytics in Europe, based on the fair use


Interview with Michael Jordan. "I think data analysis can deliver inferences at certain levels of


The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has shown how computational epidemiology can detect and forecast epidemics


Intervista a Marco Albertoni, Big Data & Analytics Leader di IBM Italia. «Le maggiori aziende,


IBM has pressed data analytics, mobility and cloud computing technology into service to bring the


A networking event in Florence, Italy on 9th and 10th October 2014 to promote European ICT


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