The "Digital Health Working Group" represents 27 research groups belonging to 19 universities participating in the CINI, with multidisciplinary competences on computer science applied to health.

The main activities of the "Digital Health Working Group" consist of:

  • organization of institutional meetings with the main stakeholders of the sector (Ministry of Health, National Institute of Health, Italian drug agency, AGID, PROMIS, Confindustria, etc.);
  • submission of research proposals on European and international scale to strengthen the internationalization processes of academia, industry and PPAA in the eHealth field;
  • submission of research proposals on national scale to strengthen the technological transfer processes, the cooperation among universities and with companies and other research centers;
  • organization of workshops or special sessions at high scientific level conferences to promote networking and dissemination activities.
    To this purpose, the "Digital Health Working Group", in the perspective of the quadruple helix, aims to involve all the actors of the ecosystem: citizens/patients (individuals and/or associations), research organizations (universities, research centers and hospitals), companies and public administrations (policy makers, institutes, ministries, etc.) in order to dynamically operate in a multidisciplinary way in the activities of:
  • community building: creation of networks/contacts, incubator of initiatives, communication (who is doing what), center for collection of profiles/competences/research interests of the various CINI nodes, etc.;
  • promotion and support in the creation of technological incubators at Clinical Universities in order to reinforce the collaboration among the actors of the quadruple helix.

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