Laboratorio Nazionale di Cybersecurity

Cyberchallenge.IT 2018: cerimonia di premiazione il 28 giugno a Roma

Cerimonia di Premiazione dei vincitori della seconda edizion ...

Libro Bianco:

Libro Bianco: "Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici”

    Alla fine del 2015, il Laboratorio Nazionale d ...

White Book:

White Book: "The Future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic project areas”

    At the end of 2015, the National Cybersecurity L ...


Location: Florence, Italy

Dates: March 25 - 29, 2019

Theme and Scope: Design experiences covering the use of body area networks, assistive and wearable technologies, edge computing and IoT for healthcare, wellness and augmented living. Topics of interest include: technologies, devices, systems and paradigms (including approximate or significance-driven computing) for ultra-low/zero power systems for personal health and personalized medicine including non-intrusive or implantable miniaturized sensors and actuators, on-board performance optimization and contextualized power-management ; embedded IP and systems for audio, video, and computer vision domains ; intelligent sensor networks, systems, automation and environments for augmented living, assisted living, rehabilitation, healthcare and wellness ; embedded and edge-based machine learning for augmented living.

Submission deadline: Sunday, September 9, 2018 23:59:59 CET

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