Laboratorio Nazionale di Cybersecurity

Cyberchallenge.IT 2018: cerimonia di premiazione il 28 giugno a Roma

Cerimonia di Premiazione dei vincitori della seconda edizion ...

Libro Bianco:

Libro Bianco: "Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici”

    Alla fine del 2015, il Laboratorio Nazionale d ...

White Book:

White Book: "The Future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic project areas”

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The opening day of the program NVIDIA AI Nation in Italy is held on Thursday 16th January at 2:30 p.m. at the Event room of Tecnopole of Modena and Reggio Emilia (street Vivarelli 2, 41125, Modena).

The program is promoted by NVIDIA and CINI. During the first activity of the Modena AI Academy, the first laboratory estabilished between NVIDIA and AIIS Nodes is introduced to UNIMORE. 
During the day the activity of scientific and industrial research, new opportunities about AI, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and HPC held in Modena with NVIDIA, Emilia-Romagna Region and local companies support, will be presented.

Moreover the initiative “Advanced Schools in AI of Regione Emilia Romagna” is introduced: two weeks post-graduate schools in the AI field for graduated students and local companies arrenged at UNIMORE, UNIBO and UNIFE in 2020 and 2021 thanks to the Emilia-Romagna Region support.

Open day dedicated to students, AI researchers, professors and local companies.

Program available to

Free entry through this form.

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