Laboratorio Nazionale di Cybersecurity

Cyberchallenge.IT 2018: cerimonia di premiazione il 28 giugno a Roma

Cerimonia di Premiazione dei vincitori della seconda edizion ...

Libro Bianco:

Libro Bianco: "Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici”

    Alla fine del 2015, il Laboratorio Nazionale d ...

White Book:

White Book: "The Future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic project areas”

    At the end of 2015, the National Cybersecurity L ...

The growing need to process extremely large data sets is the driving force accelerating the transition to high-performance computing. However, the flat data storage hierarchies with a central parallel file system are proving to be inadequate. Emerging multi-tier storage hierarchies could meet the needs of data-intensive applications but currently lack adequate control mechanisms for the available resources.



The EU-funded ADMIRE project plans to develop an adaptive storage system that should allow high-performance computing systems to deliver very high throughput and increase application performance. The aim is to significantly improve the runtime of applications in fields such as weather forecasting, remote sensing and deep learning.


Start date: 1 April 2021

Duration: 36 months 

Total cost: € 7 963 286,25

Project link:

Topic: EuroHPC-01-2019 - Extreme scale computing and data driven technologies


CINI Units involved

University of Pisa

University of Turin

University of Naples Parthenope

University of Milan


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