HPC: Key Technologies and Tools

Project full title: Humane AI Network - HumanE-AI-NET

Duration: 36 months

Topic: ICT-48-2020


The HumanE AI Net brings together top European research centers, universities and key industrial champions into a network of centers of excellence that goes beyond a narrow definition of AI and combines world leading AI competence with key players in related areas such as HCI, cognitive science, social sciences and complexity science. This is crucial to develop a truly Human Centric brand of European AI. We will leverage the synergies between the involved centers of excellence to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the AI revolution in a direction that is beneficial to humans both individually and societally, and adheres to European ethical values and social, cultural, legal, and political norms. The core challenge is the development of robust, trustworthy AI capable of what “understanding” humans, adapting to complex real-world environments, and appropriately interacting in complex social settings. The aim is to facilitate AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower individuals and society as a whole while respecting human autonomy and self-determination. The HumanE AI Net project will engender the mobilization of a research landscape far beyond direct project funding, involve and engage European industry, reach out to relevant social stakeholders, and create a unique innovation ecosystem that provides a many fold return on investment for the European economy and society. We will make the results of the research available to the European AI community through the AI4EU platform and a Virtual Laboratory, develop a series of summer schools, tutorials and MOOCs to spread the knowledge, develop a dedicated innovation ecosystem for transforming research and innovation into an economic impact and value for society, establish an industrial Ph.D. program and involve key industrial players from sectors crucial to European economy in research agenda definition and results evaluation in relevant use cases.

The HumanE AI Net will leverage the synergies between the involved centers of excellence to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the AI revolution in a direction that is beneficial to humans both individually and societally, and that adheres to European ethical values and social, cultural, legal, and political norms. The core challenge is the development of robust, trustworthy AI systems capable of what could be described as “understanding” humans, adapting to complex real-world environments, and appropriately interacting in complex social settings. The aim is to facilitate AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower individuals and society as a whole while respecting human autonomy and self-determination. The HumanE AI Net project will engender the mobilization of a research landscape far beyond direct project funding, involve and engage European industry, reach out to relevant social stakeholders, and create a unique innovation ecosystem that provides a manyfold return on investment for the European economy and society.


1) Leverage synergies between the involved centers of excellence to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs;
2) Develop strong links between the HumanE AI Net centers of excellence within the consortium that will contribute to a sustainable European Human Centric AI community;
3) Closely synchronize the HumanE AI Net work on scientific and technological breakthroughs with industry and society needs to foster synergies and strengthen Europe's position in the global marketplace;
4) Facilitate cross fertilization and knowledge transfer between the HumanE AI Net centers of excellence and Industry through “human resources” by making active use of AI-on-demand platform infrastructures;
5) Contribute to broad take up of our Human Centric AI technology by European SMEs;
6) Contribute to innovation and creation of new startups in the domain of Human Centric AI;
7) Contribute to the AI4EU AI-on-demand platform;
8) Interface and collaborate with relevant related national and European initiatives;
9) Contribute to public and political debate on AI and its consequences through events directed at the general public and the political decision makers;
10) Set up a Virtual Laboratory as an AI onestop shop for researchers and practitioners both inside and outside of the consortium to disseminate the latest knowledge and to lower the threshold for students and additional researcher to profit from and advance the state of the art;
11) Actively cultivate a outreach and knowledge dissemination throughout Europe’s entire AI community.

CINI unit involved:


with the task of dissemination and communication of the results.

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