HPC: Key Technologies and Tools

During the last months and since its establishment (January 2020) the NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC) has started supporting the Italian research by collaborating on research projects with different AI labs in Italy.

Recently NVAITC Italy Scientific Advisory Board was established and its responsibilities and structure defined. The board is composed by the following members:

Alberto del Bimbo, Università di Firenze
Barbara Caputo, Politecnico di Torino
Carlo Sansone, Università di Napoli
Giovanni Farinella, Università di Catania
Marco Rorro, CINECA
Frédéric Parienté, NVIDIA
Bea Longworth, NVIDIA
Piero Altoè, NVIDIA

One of the topics discussed during the first meeting concerned the promotion of the program to the largest audience possible especially during this period of lockdown. To respond to this very important need, we would like to invite you to a webinar on May 6th from 11:30 to 13:00 (connection details in the registration form) to present the scope of the program, how to submit a project proposal, the computational resources available in Italy through CINECA, and more importantly, address any question you may have on the topic.

Agenda of the webinar:

Introduction – Rita Cucchiara (UNIMORE)
NVAITC program, how to apply – Frédéric Parienté, Giuseppe Fiameni (NVIDIA)
How to access CINECA resources – Marco Rorro (CINECA)

WE ASK YOU TO FILL IN THIS REGISTRATION FORM where you find the connection details.

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