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Laboratorio Nazionale di Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Ital-IA 2024 29-30 maggio, Napoli

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The Italian Conference on Cybersecurity (ITA-SEC 2017) is a new annual event supported by the CINI Cybersecurity National Laboratory that aims at putting together Italian researchers and professionals from academia, industry and government working in the field of Cybersecurity. The conference will be structured into a main track on Cybersecurity science and technology, a “fil rouge” track including a sequence of multidisciplinary sessions on a specific hot topic in Cybersecurity and a demo track devoted to prototypes developed by industries, research centers and universities. The conference will also feature a few selected distinguished keynote speeches and panels.

This year, the fil rouge track topic will be “Fostering Security Through Web-Based Intelligence: Tools, Opportunities and Inherent Limitations”. 

Link: http://ita-sec2017.dais.unive.it 



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