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Laboratorio Nazionale di Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Ital-IA 2024 29-30 maggio, Napoli

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CyberChallenge.it is the first Italian introductory training program in cybersecurity for talented high-school and undergraduate students aged between 18 and 23 years. 

The CyberChallenge aims to discover the "cyber talent" hidden in undergraduate students at the beginning of their career. The challenge acts as a catalyst for identifying students with strong skills and directing them towards careers in cybersecurity by highlighting training opportunities and advanced courses. In particular, the mission of the CyberChallenge is to raise and promote young talents, exposing them to the key endeavors, methodologies, and applications of computer security by fostering a scientific, technological, and ethical culture of cybersecurity. The goal is to raise new generations of innovators to cope with the evergrowing demand of cybersecurity expertise of governments, companies, and reseach labs. The activities are carried out in an informal and international setting, fostering enthusiasm, intellectual growth, initiative, and sense of belonging to the scientific community.

The initiative, organized by the Research Center in Cyber Intelligence and Information Security (CIS) of Sapienza University of Rome in cooperation with the CINI Cybersecurity National Laboratory, targets university students at the beginning of their career. The activities include seminars, tutorials, and lab handson in English, focusing on the methodological and practical aspects of cybersecurity. Industrial testimonials address their everdemanding security issues. The challenge is organized by professors and international experts in the field and envisages the preparation of projects under the supervision of a dedicated tutor for each student.


Registration: from 5 December 2016 to 25 January 2017

Admission test: 3 February 2017 

For further details please refer to: http://www.cyberchallenge.it/index.php/en/

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