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Laboratorio Nazionale di Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Lab CINI-AIIS @ Maker Faire 2024

Il  Lab CINI-AIIS sarà nuovamente presente alla “Maker Faire ...

Ital-IA 2024 29-30 maggio, Napoli

Dopo il successo ottenuto nelle edizioni passate, il Lab CIN ...

Osservatorio sulla ricerca in IA 2023

L’obiettivo di questo documento è di fornire un quadro molto ...

Il Lab AIIS-CINI per un'Intelligenza Artificiale responsabile

Gli strumenti di Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) come ChatGPT ...

COVID-19 is a threat to human health and the global economy and urgently requires the introduction of prevention and monitoring strategies. Many models are being developed today to control the spread and the rate of new infections caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The CNR Institute of Science and Information Technology "A. Faedo" (CNR-Isti) affiliated to the Cini LN AIIS has developed an Artificial Intelligence model that produces a map representing the probability, on a global scale, that an area has environmental and human conditions that can promote the growth of COVID-19 infections.

This is the subject of the first article published on ANSA.it's Artificial Intelligence Observatory.

Read the full article.

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