Laboratorio Informatica e Società (IeS)

Primo incontro nazionale del Laboratorio Nazionale CINI su Informatica e Società

  1° incontro del Laboratorio Nazionale CINI su Informatica ...

Compsac 2017 - Plenary Panel: Internet, Industry and Society

COMPSAC is the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on ...

Capable of a billion calculations per second, exascale computing still needs to overcome technology gaps that limit performance and energy efficiency. There is a need to increase computation ability and enable the seamless integration of reconfigurable accelerators in heterogeneous high-performance computing (HPC) multi-node platforms.

The EU-funded TEXTAROSSA project aims to tackle these gaps by applying a co-design approach to design and develop an efficient supercomputer system based on new hardware accelerators, innovative two-phase cooling equipment, advanced algorithms, methods and software products for traditional HPC domains as well as for emerging domains in high performance artificial intelligence and high performance data analytics.


Start date: 1 April 2021

Duration: 36 months 

Total cost: € 6 012 708,75

Project link:

Topic: EuroHPC-01-2019 - Extreme scale computing and data driven technologies


CINI Units involved

Politecnico di Milano

University of Pisa

University of Turin

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