Laboratorio Informatica e Società (IeS)

Primo incontro nazionale del Laboratorio Nazionale CINI su Informatica e Società

  1° incontro del Laboratorio Nazionale CINI su Informatica ...

Compsac 2017 - Plenary Panel: Internet, Industry and Society

COMPSAC is the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on ...

On April 24 2015 the National Laboratory of Assistive Technologies organized a Special Event on the themes of "Healthcare Application and Assistive Technologies".

Special Day is within the framework of the international conference IEEE DTIS (Design & Technology of Integrated Systems) - 2015, which will take place from April 20 to 24 at the Congress Center Partenope - Via Partenope, 36 - Naples (Italy).

Attached all the details of the program of the Special Event and Conference IEEE 2015 DTIS.

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