Laboratorio CFC



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Nuovo nodo del Laboratorio CFC-Università di Bari

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Convention AICA, Milano 27 ottobre 2016

Convention AICA, Milano 27 ottobre 2016

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DIDAMATICA 2016 - UDINE 19-21 Aprile

DIDAMATICA 2016 - UDINE 19-21 Aprile

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Conversazioni su competenze e lavoro digitale

Conversazioni su competenze e lavoro digitale

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ITAC - Information Technology against COVID19

Special Track at the ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good

The emergency resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic has led to a radical change in our lives. At home, at school, at work, in free time and beyond: people have been asked to change their habits, adopting a lifestyle that can protect the collective well-being. The persistence of the emergency situation and the lockdown is putting a strain on the population; among the main problems, we cite social distancing for the most vulnerable individuals, distance learning for children, health pressure for doctors and patients, fo​rced closures for traders, the uncontrolled spread of fake news that confuse the population, the tourism stop that hinders culture, etc.

The ongoing change requires the adoption of innovative solutions to tackle emerging problems and technology offers great opportunities for social good. The whole society can make use of technological tools t​o the health, physical, mental and psychological well-being safeguard of individuals. ​The goal of this session is to assess the state of tools and methods to support the population and institutions during the management of the COVID19 emergency, creating new opportunities for the future.

Location: Rome, Italy

Dates: September 09 – 11, 2021

Topics: Authors are solicited to submit original, preciously unpublished papers in the following, but not limited to, topic areas:

  • IT for education in a COVID-19 era
  • Decision support systems and algorithms for COVID-19 data analysis
  • IT for remotely delivered solutions for Cultural Heritage
  • Game, entertainment, and multimedia applications in a COVID-19 Era
  • Health and social care toward protection from contamination
  • Privacy and trust issues and solutions in a COVID-19 Era
  • IT solutions for safe and healthy environments
  • IT solutions addressing the Isolation
  • IT solutions empowering initiatives by local communities in a COVID-19 Era
  • Ethical computing in a COVID-19 Era
  • IT solutions to disseminate reliable and high-quality information in a COVID-19 Era

Submission deadline: June 6, 2021

More Information: Conference website

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