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Laboratorio Nazionale di Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Lab CINI-AIIS @ Maker Faire 2024

Il  Lab CINI-AIIS sarà nuovamente presente alla “Maker Faire ...

Ital-IA 2024 29-30 maggio, Napoli

Dopo il successo ottenuto nelle edizioni passate, il Lab CIN ...

Osservatorio sulla ricerca in IA 2023

L’obiettivo di questo documento è di fornire un quadro molto ...

Il Lab AIIS-CINI per un'Intelligenza Artificiale responsabile

Gli strumenti di Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) come ChatGPT ...

Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie (DiST), offers several post-doc positions for the following research activities related to the project Smart Energy Efficiency & Environment for Industry - SMART SE4I to be carried out at Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Lab and at Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems Lab:

- Development of an intelligent video surveillance system prototype by using machine / deep learning techniques: study of tracking and positioning techniques for the implementation of geofencing policies
(1 grant).
Supervisors: Dr Antonio Maratea and Dr Giuseppe Salvi

- Development of an intelligent video surveillance system prototype by using machine / deep learning techniques: analysis of video flows and Situational Awareness techniques for decision support (2 grants).
Supervisors (I grant): Dr Antonino Staiano and Dr Fabio Narducci Supervisor (II grant): Prof. Angelo Ciaramella

- Development of an intelligent video surveillance system prototype by using machine / deep learning techniques: study of a multimodal biometric and license plate key as an access mode to controlled areas
(2 grants).
Supervisor (I Grant): Prof. Francesco Camastra Supervisor (II Grant): Dr Alessio Ferone

The duration of the research grant is 12 months renewable if the scientific manager receives a positive opinion and funds are available on the balance sheet. The gross amount of the research grant is € 30.000, inclusive of all the taxes to be borne by the recipient of the grant; this amount does not include the burdens paid by the Università di Napoli “Parthenope”. The research grant is paid in monthly instalments.

Website for information and application:

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