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Laboratorio Nazionale di Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Lab CINI-AIIS @ Maker Faire 2024

Il  Lab CINI-AIIS sarà nuovamente presente alla “Maker Faire ...

Ital-IA 2024 29-30 maggio, Napoli

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GTC’21 (GPU Technology Conference) di NVAITC Italy


NVAITC Italy (NVIDIA AI Technology Center), in collaboration with CINI and CINECA, invites you to attend GTC’21 (GPU Technology Conference), starting April 12 with NVIDIA CEO’s keynote at 17:30 CET. The conference will run continuously, across all time zones, over five days. GTC is free to attend online but you must register. There will be 1400+ talks including special addresses from Turing Award winners, Gordon Bell Award winners, Oscar winners, and many pioneers of AI, Graphics, and HPC. In addition to the sessions, NVIDIA is offering hands-on technical training in both introductory as well as advanced AI and accelerated computing, through its Deep Learning Institute. You can learn more here.


Here is a small selection of interest for the NVAITC network (register and log in before clicking on the links) :


The full session catalog is now online here. Thanks for registering using this NVAITC-sponsored link.

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