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Laboratorio Nazionale di Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Ital-IA 2024 29-30 maggio, Napoli

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Location: University of Sheffield, UK

Dates: September 11 - 15, 2017

Theme and Scope: Those that have been associated with the area of “Assistive Technology” in Europe for the last two decades might remember that the last of the ECART Conferences – the precursor of the AAATE Conferences – took place in Lisbon, Portugal in 1995. And it was during this ECART Conference in 1995 that AAATE was officially created. We hope to be able to meet the expectations of all of those in Europe and globally that know the importance of a solid evidence base for “Assistive Technology” and associated services are crucial to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and older persons in Europe. http://www.aaate.net

One of the main objectives of the AAATE Conferences is to bring together researchers, professionals, manufacturers, end users and their families, and combine their knowledge, expertise, needs and expectations, contributing in a multidisciplinary way to the success at this meeting and beyond. This will be achieved not only by the presentation of papers, but also through the participation in Satellite Events held before and after the main Conference.

More Information: http://www.aaate2017.eu/

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