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Laboratorio Nazionale di Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems

Ital-IA 2024 29-30 maggio, Napoli

Dopo il successo ottenuto nelle edizioni passate, il Lab CIN ...

Osservatorio sulla ricerca in IA 2023

L’obiettivo di questo documento è di fornire un quadro molto ...

Lab AIIS - CINI @ Maker Faire 2023

Il  LAB AIIS-CINI sarà nuovamente presente alla “Maker Faire ...

Il Lab AIIS-CINI per un'Intelligenza Artificiale responsabile

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Location: Dresden, Germany

Dates: March 19 - 23, 2018

Theme and Scope: Design experiences covering the use of IoT, wireless body sensor networks, assistive and wearable technologies for healthcare, rehabilitation and wellness. Topics of interest include: technologies and application-specific design methodologies (including approximate or significance-driven computing) for ultra-low/zero power systems for personal vital sign monitoring (such as heart rate, fitness devices); body area networks; mobile systems for motor disorder assessment and rehabilitation; wearable and edge computing technologies and designs; devices and systems for personal health and personalized medicine; ambient assisted living technologies; innovative nano-technologies for both non-intrusive or implantable miniaturized sensors and actuators, smart spaces for youngsters, elderly, or impaired users; technologies for motor disorders; personal health devices and assistive technology; power management, on-board performance optimization and networking technologies for body area networks; and ambient intelligence in wellness, healthcare, and fitness.

Submission deadline: Sunday, September 10, 2017 23:59:59 CET

More Information: https://www.date-conference.com/call-for-papers

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